BPI OF Handog Pasalamat BPIMS Fire

PERIOD: June 1, 2022 – July 31, 2022


Program Features:

ü Qualified BPI clients will enjoy Improved Packages* of BPI MS Fire Insurance during the limited period.

ü Qualified clients availing Fire Insurance may choose from a comprehensive home package (Home Care Advantage)*, a comprehensive condominium package (Condominium Care Advantage)* or a comprehensive business package (Business Care Advantage)*. All are subject to underwriting review and approval.

ü Qualified BPI clients who will avail of the said packages during the program period will also get exclusive benefits**.


General Mechanics:

1. The program is open to all clients of BPI Bank with real estate properties that fall within the qualifications below.

2. The program shall cover the following:

a. Insured real estate properties without existing BPI MS Insurance policy but expiring within 3 months from the program period.

b. With expiring policies from a different insurer

c. Newly purchased real estate properties not mortgaged with BPI

d. Real estate properties with expired BPI MS policies for more than 30 days prior to program period.

e. Real estate properties without existing insurance from BPI MS and is currently mortgaged (on its 2nd year onwards) with BPI.

f. Real estate properties previously mortgaged with BPI and loan with the bank has matured for more than 30 days.


3. Real estate properties with existing BPI MS policies not falling in the qualifications above are not qualified.

4. Real estate properties that are to be mortgaged through BPI Loans are excluded.

5. To apply, client must submit a copy of his/her existing policy with BPI MS or with another insurer to validate expiry of their current insurance. For accounts without existing policies, a completely filled out application form must be submitted to BPI MS or to a BPI / BPI Family Savings Bank Branch.

6. Only BPI MS Insurance quotations issued to qualified BPI clients within the specified program period will be honored and will be subject to issuance of the policy upon acceptance of the client. These will expire thirty (30) days from the quotation date.


* Improved Packages– Subject to program terms and conditions and underwriting approval

* HCA, CCA and BCA – As applicable to the property: All BPI MS insurance products are subject to terms and condition

** Benefits – As applicable to the property being covered, cannot be converted to additional perks.